Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Madeline's First Day of School

Okay, it's official.  I have 3 children in all day school.  Tyler and I got a lot accomplished at home--it may be the first time my house has been clean all summer.  Madeline had a great day.  When I asked what her favorite part of the day was, she said she couldn't remember.  After more persistent questioning, she said her teacher was really awesome.  Mitch escorted her safely home on the bus, so all's good!


Anonymous said...

Don't you wish you could just be a fly on the wall of the classroom? My 1st grader and preschooler always have very little to say about school. I end up hearing about things days later and I say, "Now that's something you could have told me when I asked you about school!" It's fun to see them grow up and hard at the same time. By the way, I only have one left at home who is not at school full time, too. His name is also Tyler. Your kids are cute and seem to be a good mix of you and Pete!

Mel Sims said...

I can't believe your kids are getting so grown up! I know mine are, but I'm always surprised to see my friend's kids growing up. they are beautiful!

Hope you are surviving your week w/o Pete....I'm so jealous they are doing that! I'd LOVE to do an alaska trip someday! Love you! Mel

Kim said...

The first day of school is always so hard, but it is kind of nice to get back into things.

July 4th

July 4th
Maddy and Me

The Boys on the 4th of July

The Boys on the 4th of July
Spencer and Jake