Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tyler's Talk

Today I ventured to church for all of 15 minutes to hear Tyler's first primary talk. He had been given the assignment to talk about family, so Pete helped prepare a talk and they practiced several times. Tyler was adorable--he's only 3 1/2, but has an amazing vocabulary and a cute little voice. Unfortunately, with all the primary kids oohing and aahing, Tyler only got in . . . "My name is Tyler Fisher" and "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." That microphone can be so distracting and makes such funny noises. When the kids starting giggling (because he's so cute, of course), Tyler clammed up. Pete had the bright idea of asking Madeline to come up to the stand and help him finish. She did a great job! After the kids came home from church (since I ducked out after the "talk"), I asked Tyler why he didn't say his talk like we practiced and he said "because I was too embarrassed." Poor kid. We sure start them early in the church . . . first public speaking assignment, age 3! Maybe next time, at age 4, he won't be so embarrassed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute! I have often thought how going to church really prepares our children for life. I think it prepares kids to be public speakers and leaders at a young age. I am grateful for that. Although, I have to admit I don't always love helping my little ones prepare their talks!

July 4th

July 4th
Maddy and Me

The Boys on the 4th of July

The Boys on the 4th of July
Spencer and Jake