Okay, so maybe "ode" isn't the proper word, since I'm not much of a poet, but I thought I'd share some nice thoughts about Pete. Unfortunately, I'm not always great at expressing words of sentiment, but I've been inspired by many of you, my friends, who've written great tribute to your husbands. So, thanks.
You know those times when you fall in love with your spouse all over again? I've had a few of those experiences lately. That's not to say that my usual feelings aren't full of love and respect. It's just that over time, I think it's easy to sink into a comfortable relationship, maybe not a lot of fireworks, but a peaceful, easy feeling type deal. I definitely married my best friend, we have a lot in common and enjoy doing a lot of activities together, like skiing or golfing. But on the way to and from Lake Powell, Pete and I had 14 hours to spend together, without kids in the background demanding a movie change or treats. It's in those moments when you know you have a great relationship. Pete and I laughed and talked the entire way. We listened to great music, another taste we share, and laughed about old boyfriends and girlfriends. It's nice to know after 13 years that we still like each other.
Another such experience was when we got our new piano. Many of you who know Pete know that he's amazingly bright, with an incredible memory, plus extremely talented in the music department. He sings and plays guitar and the piano. Yet, in all the years we've been married, we've never owned a piano. We have a keyboard, but it's not the same thing. Anyhow, the first night we had the piano, I was sitting on the couch, reading and listening, when I happened to look up and see Pete, resting his head on his left hand, playing with his right, eyes closed, figuring out a song that he hadn't played in years. I'm not sure what it was about that moment, but I felt this amazing surge of admiration and devotion to this guy I married. After all of these years, he still amazes me with his abilities and talents. And the great thing is, he's not arrogant about it, he just has a sincere love of music. I am really grateful to have that type of renewal of my feelings every once in awhile. I don't think it changes things on a day to day basis, but it definitely makes me appreciate him more fully.
We also had a great opportunity, on a day when Pete's surgeries were canceled, to head up Big Cottonwood Canyon and hike together. We put Tyler in the backpack and headed up the trail to Blanchard Lake. We hiked about 5 miles round trip, although we didn't make it to the lake because of lightening, thunder and rain. The weather was cool, the leaves were turning shades of crimson, gold and orange, and we were far enough away to escape car noises emanating from the road. Recognizing a mutual love of nature has brought great joy into our relationship. At the end of the hike, we both held Tyler's hands, counting to 3 and swinging him up into the air. Another moment for us to appreciate our lives--kids growing older, our baby 3 years old, but great opportunity for one on one interaction with our children. Difficult not to feel blessed with all we have around us.
I am glad that it's often the simple things that bring us closest to God and to each other--whether it be beautiful music or scenery, time with each other to talk and laugh, or recognition of our great life and family. I am happy to be married to a great guy and to have the blessing of such great kids.
What a great post about a great guy! I, too married my best friend and someone I had known for a long time. For me, there couldn't have been a better way to go. I'm glad you and Pete have had so many great moments together lately.
I'm not going to cry.....I'm not going to cry.....I'm not going to cry.... =]
That was so sweet!
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