I've been waiting to update my blog until I had some pictures, since I didn't take a single one on the trip. Thanks to Marinda for sending me some! I also posted pictures on my facebook album for anyone who might have access or interest.
Anyhow, we left bright and early on Sunday morning. Actually, not even bright since it was still dark outside at 3am. My sister Chantel and her husband Charlie kindly agreed to watch our kids for the entire week. I still feel bad since Chantel is pregnant and has a two year old and had to take care of Tyler all day. Hopefully I can return the favor soon. Off on another tangent, back to Powell. We rented a houseboat from Wahweep, so we didn't arrive until around 9am. I couldn't believe the boat--5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen (by houseboat standards) and a hot tub on top of the boat. We found a beautiful camp spot with afternoon shade, and then basically played for the rest of the week!
Some of the trip highlights were tubing and wake-boarding. Pete also skiied slolam and jumped off a 75 foot cliff (see photo above)! I need an easy-up rope, it's been too long and I've got too much to drag, but I was able to get up on the wake-board. Most of the group also surfed behind the boat, something I really wanted to succeed at but didn't end up trying on this trip. We happened upon a great hike up Face Canyon. I will try to upload some photos from Marinda because it really was spectacular. We took the boat down another narrow canyon until we couldn't go any further. Although the end result was a disappointment (disgusting water and dead, floating animals), the swim through the narrows was a blast. There were only a few spots wide enough that I couldn't reach across the canyon with my hands and feet and scoot along the walls. At night we played Sing Star, Rock Band and Guitar Hero, ate fabulous meals, and had great laughs. Pete brought his guitar and Steve his bass, so we had several nights of singing and listening to the guitar. One night, we had a gasoline produced bonfire that shot up the hill and burned a Z in the sand. Regan and I did some modern dance interpretations, along with some other moonlit entertainment that's best left unsaid!
It's been hard getting back to normal life! I love Powell! There's nothing quite like the solitude and beauty experienced there! Can't wait to go again!!

What a fun trip! I love Lake Powell, too but haven't been there in years. You have a great sister to stay with your kids the whole time. We have a hard time getting away because we don't have many options to watch our kids. Glad you had fun!
Love seeing your cute pics and your darling family...especially love the pic of Pete cliff jumping...Lake Powell is my fav place in the world - nothing compares to slolmn (sp) skiing back into a canyon - the sound of just the boat and the water rushing by..it is heaven!
Nicole, this trip sounds amazing! I can't believe Pete jumped off that big cliff!! I couldn't have watched it. How great to have adults only for a whole week, and hard to return to normal life. Great pictures, it's so beautiful there.
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