I love the fall! It's probably my favorite time of year. I love seeing the colors change on the mountains, the perfect weather with blue skies and mild temperatures. I love watching my kids play football and soccer. I love that we're just around the corner from soup and sweater weather. We have 2 apple trees in our backyard, and this time of year we make every thing apple and play applesauce baseball--a game invented by Pete's Grandpa Petersen, where you swing a tennis racket at rotten apples and basically make applesauce. It's becoming a favorite family tradition. Mitchell asked when we could play, but I think someone might get hurt if we played with the apples now, they're still hard as rocks.
Today, Tyler and I took a bike ride on the Porter Rockwell Trail. I loaded my bike and Ty's seat in the back of the car, we drove to the trail and then played at Draper City Park afterwards. I am really enjoying my time with Tyler, but I have to admit that lately I've been thinking about wanting another baby. Unfortunately, I can't have one myself, but I've been thinking about adopting a little girl. I would love any input from friends who might know how to go about this, pro's and con's, etc. I haven't decided for sure, but it continues to be in my thoughts on a regular basis, so I decided it's time to look into it.
We also spent Saturday at Lagoon again. We first went on Labor Day and got a rain check because of the weather. We really had a great time, my favorite ride being the Rattlesnake Rapids. The last time we went, we didn't really hang out in the Pioneer Village part of Lagoon, but it was very enjoyable this time around.
On Sunday, we had a special stake meeting at church to change the boundaries of our ward. This has been an ongoing process for the last year, but to know that it was finally going to happen made me a little nervous. I'm glad to report that the change had little impact on my family, but we are really sad to be loosing two of our favorite families. Unlike in Ann Arbor though, at least we still live close to the friends that we won't see every Sunday, but that we're sure to see around the school and neighborhood.
Pete and I also attended our first play at Pioneer Theatre Company, up at the U of U. We have bought season tickets the past two years and really enjoyed attending the shows. The opening show was My Fair Lady, and although I think they did a good job, Pete and I had stayed up too late the night before and both fell asleep. That's a first for me--I love the theatre, but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. It might have had something to do with the Bleu Ribbon Burger from Red Robin right before the show. Pete and I split one, and it was delicious. Full stomach, tired body, not a good combo for play watching I suppose.
One last random thought, about my friend Suzanne with cancer. She has been in my thoughts all weekend. It really saddens me to think about her situation--she just turned 50 this past spring and has her youngest son on a mission. I am still hopeful that she will make it through this, but it has reminded me of another friend whose mother died of cancer a few years back. I remember thinking then, that it was such a sad situation, but in a way, looking death in the face gives you an opportunity to say your goodbyes and to live life to the fullest for the little bit left that you have. Both of these women are like that--great examples of living life to the fullest. What a great example to me--to take advantage of what time we have because we never know when we might wake up and have our lives take a completely different course.
Anyhow, I have children to take home and other kids to pick up, so I'll leave you with those random thoughts.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sad News
I am very sad to hear today that a friend of mine has a rare form of liver cancer. This is a friend from my street, one of my favorite of the many great people on my street, who moved in January. We served in the ward Primary together for the last few years until she moved. I love chatting with her, she would often stop on her way to her house and we'd talk sports and house decorating. Anyway, she is very enthusiastic about starting chemo and radiation next week and kickin' this illness. My prayers go out to her and her family. She is so healthy and athletic, she didn't even know she was sick until she'd lost 20 lbs. and her husband started to worry about her. She is an amazing mother and person--if anyone can get through this, I know she can and will. The crazy thing is that she feels great and other than weight loss and loss of appetite, her life has been completely normal. It's a good reminder to have regular health check-ups, and to ask questions if all isn't well. I wish my friend luck in beginning chemo and pray that she can be made well.
I also have another friend whose husband's job is in peril due to the failing of Lehman's Bank. She is due with her third baby in January and also facing a great chance of moving. I know this affects a lot of individuals and families, and my heart goes out to you as well.
I also have another friend whose husband's job is in peril due to the failing of Lehman's Bank. She is due with her third baby in January and also facing a great chance of moving. I know this affects a lot of individuals and families, and my heart goes out to you as well.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ode Unto Peter
Okay, so maybe "ode" isn't the proper word, since I'm not much of a poet, but I thought I'd share some nice thoughts about Pete. Unfortunately, I'm not always great at expressing words of sentiment, but I've been inspired by many of you, my friends, who've written great tribute to your husbands. So, thanks.
You know those times when you fall in love with your spouse all over again? I've had a few of those experiences lately. That's not to say that my usual feelings aren't full of love and respect. It's just that over time, I think it's easy to sink into a comfortable relationship, maybe not a lot of fireworks, but a peaceful, easy feeling type deal. I definitely married my best friend, we have a lot in common and enjoy doing a lot of activities together, like skiing or golfing. But on the way to and from Lake Powell, Pete and I had 14 hours to spend together, without kids in the background demanding a movie change or treats. It's in those moments when you know you have a great relationship. Pete and I laughed and talked the entire way. We listened to great music, another taste we share, and laughed about old boyfriends and girlfriends. It's nice to know after 13 years that we still like each other.
Another such experience was when we got our new piano. Many of you who know Pete know that he's amazingly bright, with an incredible memory, plus extremely talented in the music department. He sings and plays guitar and the piano. Yet, in all the years we've been married, we've never owned a piano. We have a keyboard, but it's not the same thing. Anyhow, the first night we had the piano, I was sitting on the couch, reading and listening, when I happened to look up and see Pete, resting his head on his left hand, playing with his right, eyes closed, figuring out a song that he hadn't played in years. I'm not sure what it was about that moment, but I felt this amazing surge of admiration and devotion to this guy I married. After all of these years, he still amazes me with his abilities and talents. And the great thing is, he's not arrogant about it, he just has a sincere love of music. I am really grateful to have that type of renewal of my feelings every once in awhile. I don't think it changes things on a day to day basis, but it definitely makes me appreciate him more fully.
We also had a great opportunity, on a day when Pete's surgeries were canceled, to head up Big Cottonwood Canyon and hike together. We put Tyler in the backpack and headed up the trail to Blanchard Lake. We hiked about 5 miles round trip, although we didn't make it to the lake because of lightening, thunder and rain. The weather was cool, the leaves were turning shades of crimson, gold and orange, and we were far enough away to escape car noises emanating from the road. Recognizing a mutual love of nature has brought great joy into our relationship. At the end of the hike, we both held Tyler's hands, counting to 3 and swinging him up into the air. Another moment for us to appreciate our lives--kids growing older, our baby 3 years old, but great opportunity for one on one interaction with our children. Difficult not to feel blessed with all we have around us.
I am glad that it's often the simple things that bring us closest to God and to each other--whether it be beautiful music or scenery, time with each other to talk and laugh, or recognition of our great life and family. I am happy to be married to a great guy and to have the blessing of such great kids.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tyler's 3rd Birthday and a New Car
Thank you, thank you, for the ultimate mom award! It was Tyler's birthday yesterday and once again, I've outdone myself. No theme party or homemade cake is good enough for my boy. No . . . we had store bought, all the way. Let me slow down and give you the magnificent details of Tyler's raging Birthday party.
We've decided to only do party's on the even birthdays, so Ty got a family party this year. We spent a quiet morning together, cleaning the house, and then met Pete to look at buying a new car. Unfortunately, that process took to long, so we had to leave mid-negotations, and pick up Maddy from school to get her to dance on time, then drop Jake off at football. We headed back to the dealership, where I dropped Pete off, and took Mitch and Tyler to buy presents for Ty's birthday. As we hit the toy aisles of Walmart, Mitchell became distraught that the surprise of opening gifts would be ruined, since Tyler could see what we were getting him. So we headed to the towel aisle, picked up a few towels (I needed new ones anyway), and headed back to the toy's. I gave Mitch a towel, let him choose a toy, wrap it in the towel, and hide it in the grocery cart. We did this for a few more gifts--pretty good adapting if I do say so myself. Pete walked to the Walmart from the dealership, unhappy with the price, and took Ty to the car while Mitch and I paid for the gifts. Then I dropped Pete, Mitch and Tyler at Chuck-E-Cheese, so I could run home, wrap the gifts (which ended up in gift bags), grab the cake (store bought) and ice cream, and pick up Madeline and Jake from their respective practices. While we were on our way back to Chuck-E-Cheese, Pete called and said it was a totally lame place (only a few games were working) and that we should go somewhere else. We decided to hit Nickel Mania, except it was 8pm by now, they didn't serve food, but they did have some party tables in the back. We ordered Domino's pizza to be delivered to the arcade, and began spending nickels like crazy. The pizza came, when we realized that we didn't have drinks, paper goods or utensils, so once again we improvised. Luckily, the arcade had a pop vending machine, and we found 2 spoons and 3 plastic knives in the mini-van. We ate pizza, Tyler with a disguise on that he'd won at Chuck-e-Cheese and let the kids play games. Meantime, the car dealership had called and said they could come down to the price we wanted, but we had to get back to the dealership by 9pm. By now, it was 8:45pm, late for a school night, and we had to book it to get all of our kids and stuff in car and back to the dealership in time.
The good news was that we got a new car and the kids had a good time. The bad news was that it was too late to eat cake and ice cream, so this morning the party continued for breakfast! Not healthy, I know, but sometimes we have to find compromises. So I send my kids off to school all sugared up, Pete drove his sweet new car to work, and Tyler and I have another day to ourselves to do whatever we like! All in all, not a bad birthday for Ty! I may not get the Martha Stewart award, but I do know how to improvise!
Finally, a note of farewell to the mini-van! We had lots of good memories and long, cross country drives to and from Ann Arbor to Salt Lake in that car. We also drove to San Antonio Texas and back to Michigan, several trips to southern Utah, and lots of short trips around town to and from my kids various activities. It was a good car that served us well, although, I'll admit I'm happy to be moving on!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Adults only trip to Powell

I've been waiting to update my blog until I had some pictures, since I didn't take a single one on the trip. Thanks to Marinda for sending me some! I also posted pictures on my facebook album for anyone who might have access or interest.
Anyhow, we left bright and early on Sunday morning. Actually, not even bright since it was still dark outside at 3am. My sister Chantel and her husband Charlie kindly agreed to watch our kids for the entire week. I still feel bad since Chantel is pregnant and has a two year old and had to take care of Tyler all day. Hopefully I can return the favor soon. Off on another tangent, back to Powell. We rented a houseboat from Wahweep, so we didn't arrive until around 9am. I couldn't believe the boat--5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen (by houseboat standards) and a hot tub on top of the boat. We found a beautiful camp spot with afternoon shade, and then basically played for the rest of the week!
Some of the trip highlights were tubing and wake-boarding. Pete also skiied slolam and jumped off a 75 foot cliff (see photo above)! I need an easy-up rope, it's been too long and I've got too much to drag, but I was able to get up on the wake-board. Most of the group also surfed behind the boat, something I really wanted to succeed at but didn't end up trying on this trip. We happened upon a great hike up Face Canyon. I will try to upload some photos from Marinda because it really was spectacular. We took the boat down another narrow canyon until we couldn't go any further. Although the end result was a disappointment (disgusting water and dead, floating animals), the swim through the narrows was a blast. There were only a few spots wide enough that I couldn't reach across the canyon with my hands and feet and scoot along the walls. At night we played Sing Star, Rock Band and Guitar Hero, ate fabulous meals, and had great laughs. Pete brought his guitar and Steve his bass, so we had several nights of singing and listening to the guitar. One night, we had a gasoline produced bonfire that shot up the hill and burned a Z in the sand. Regan and I did some modern dance interpretations, along with some other moonlit entertainment that's best left unsaid!
It's been hard getting back to normal life! I love Powell! There's nothing quite like the solitude and beauty experienced there! Can't wait to go again!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jake's First Day of School
FINALLY! Jake has begun school after a great hiatus in Alaska. He rode his bike to school . . . I walked today with Maddy and Mitch since I didn't reach my goal of teaching them to ride their bikes without training wheels this summer. When asked what Jake's favorite part of school was, I got this, "Recess, no . . . lunch." When I told him to tell me something that was part of school, not the breaks from school, he said "P.E. was awesome because we played dodgeball." Do you get the idea he's not back in school mode yet? He also had football practice tonight, so it's going to be a busy week of catch-up. Madeline also started dance today, tap and jazz. On Thursday's she'll take ballet and hip-hop. Should be fun, although her tap shoes are too small, so we need to buy the third pair in three years! Why does she have to grow-up so fast.
Poor Pete got home and back to work too. After a busy day at the office, he came home to edge and mow the lawn, take out the garbage and spend an hour at Young Men's. I feel bad, but it's kind of our life. My niece asked me if I said I missed him everyday because her mom said it everyday, many times. At first I felt bad that I hadn't said it that often, I definitely missed him, but aside from the weekends and at night, it wasn't that much different than a normal day! I guess that's the life of a doctor's wife! The good part is that when he is home, we always have a great time, I just wish he was around more often!
Oh yes! I got another great buy today! A wing chair for $40. Granted, it's not the best fabric, but it has a good shape and will look fabulous re-upholstered! Now I have 5 chairs that look old and ratty but have great shape and would look great re-upholstered. Either I need to take an upholstery class or stop buying these chairs. I suppose we all have our weaknesses.
Labor Day at Lagoon
We at the Fisher household are happy to have Pete and Jake home from Alaska. They, thankfully, had Labor Day off from school and work to catch up on sleep and spend some time with us before business as usual. The kids voted that we spend Labor Day at Lagoon. We had a great afternoon, albeit an expensive one! Mitch and Madeline rode on the rickety, old, white roller coaster and the Wild Mouse before deciding that roller coasters made them sick to their stomachs. Pete had to endure those with all the kids, plus the Spider and Wicked. He looked a little green after Wicked, so I rode the Colassus the Fire Dragon with Jake. One ride was enough for me to realize that I don't really love puking at amusement parks anymore (it happened once). The little kids rode all the little rides, and Jake was content to ride all the rest of the big rides on his own. Thankfully it wasn't very packed because there had been rain in the morning. I think my favorite part of the day was watching the Rock U 2 show, lots of great dance choreography and music.
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