Friday, February 28, 2014
These are a few of my favorite things . . .
1. Sherlock (the PBS version) is my new favorite. I especially like it because, unlike Downton Abbey, Pete likes to watch it with me.
2. My 2.5 tennis league--I've only played in 2 matches so far, but I love it! The ladies I play with have been so nice and our opponents have been kind as well. I know, if I continue to play, as I improve and move up the ranks, it will get more competitive, so I'm grateful for having fun right now.
3. My kids--I love my kids. Right now I am especially pleased with their musical talents (of which I have none). Mitch, Madeline and Tyler are playing in Federation tomorrow. Maddy picked up the flute this year and Jake has started guitar lessons. I love listening to them, as they improve and create beautiful music. Grateful they take after my husband in this regard.
4. Bike rides--last Saturday, while the weather was still nice, we took a family bike ride. I love being outside and riding a bike, it keeps me feeling young.
5. Downton Abbey--a guilty pleasure while I fold laundry.
6. I don't know what they're called, but this little scented pellets that you drop in your washer. They make the laundry smell so good!
7. One Sweet Slice cupcakes--my new favorite, the cake is incredibly moist and delicious and the frosting is flavorful without being too sweet.
8. My jr. high/high school friends. Last Sunday, my friend Julie and I attended the mission farewell of our other good friend Suzanne. Both of these girls have been my friends since 7th grade. Suzanne and I had gym class together, and from the very start of school, she befriended me. Julie was in my English class, and always wore the cutest outfits. It took us a bit longer, but by the end of 7th grade, we were good friends. So fun to be in our early 40's and still have a connection to these great friends. I truly believe that having good friends in your teen years makes all the difference in making good choices.
9. Lazy mornings when I don't have obligations, so I can sleep in and read in bed before the kids are up and going. It's especially nice on a snowy morning with my fireplace on.
10. My husband Pete, who after all these years, is still my best friend. He is President of the Utah Urologic Section this year, and tonight we attended a dinner at Bambara in downtown Salt Lake. Two of his colleagues from Michigan came to town to speak, and being with all of them reminded me of living in Ann Arbor, with little kids, and Pete training at this incredible institution with these fantastic group of people. I am unfortunately plumper and Pete has less hair, but we can still laugh and talk and enjoy one anthers company. I am happy for him in his successes and endeavors, and he's supportive of my crazy ideas like remodeling and adopting a little girl from Haiti.
11. Jimmy Fallon as The Tonight Show host.
12. Diet Dr. Pepper with coconut flavoring and fresh squeezed lime--I wish I didn't like it so much, I should really drink more water.
13. My calling in Young Women with the Mia Maids. We have these amazing girls in living in our ward. I don't think we give enough credit to the youth. We tend to focus on those kids who make bad choices, instead of recognizing the goodness of so many others.
14. Snow--I really wish we'd had more this winter.
15. Unexpectedly warm February days. Last week, we had several days in the 60's. If I can't have snow, thank goodness for those beautiful days and a break from the cold and inversion.
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July 4th
Maddy and Me
The Boys on the 4th of July
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