Okay, so I can finally write about my weekend now that Pete and the boys will be home tomorrow. I am wary of posting anything while my hubby is gone since my cousin, who lives in Arizona, was robbed after posting about a vacation on fb or a blog, I can never remember which. Isn't that terrible . . . they even did a news story on it. So, since that time, I really try not to talk about a vacation until its over, or to say I'm home alone, until I'm not anymore. But I have found that I post a lot less because by the time I get around to writing about my experiences, I've forgotten half of what happened. I'm rambling--back to the point.
Pete, Jake and Mitch had a fun . . . LONG . . . boy's weekend to Texas for the BYU vs. Oklahoma game (which BYU won tonight, in a very close game, 14-13). They left Wednesday evening, so they spent Thursday touring the new Dallas Cowboys stadium, eating lots of delicious Texas food, and watching the Utes beat the Aggies (no surprise there). Friday, they went to an aquarium and then spent the afternoon boating with Pete's brother Mike's family. Jake got up on two ski's and Mitch was the tubing champ. Saturday, they attended my nephew Kyle's game, then headed to Six Flags until it was time to attend the football game. Have I mentioned how crazy, busy my life is? Can you see why, when my husband lives like this even when he's on vacation? Don't get me wrong, I think its great--its just exhausting at times.
I, on the other hand, have realized a few things about myself while Pete has been gone.
1. I don't sleep well when Pete's gone. I didn't get to sleep until 2am Thursday night, and woke up at 4am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.
2. I read a lot (finished 2 books) and watch a lot of movies (3 and a half) when Pete is gone.
3. Life is less chaotic with two children (especially when I have no activities to attend since its a holiday weekend).
4. I eat out a lot more when Pete is gone. (Tyler actually talked me into eating at McDonald's twice. We spent 2 hours at McDonald's play land on Friday night and then had it again for breakfast today. YUCK!).
5. I don't get a lot done while Pete is gone because I get so little sleep, watch too many movies and read too many books. This is opposite of my spouse who painted my laundry room for me while I was gone to Germany and had the house in tiptop shape upon my return.
I have concluded from this experience that Peter is better for me than I am for him. When he's around, I am a productive, efficient, mothering machine. When he's gone, let's just say . . . not so much! As for Pete, you take me out of the picture and our house is run like a well oiled machine. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but its the truth. Maybe my biggest purpose in life is to show other husband's how great their wives are, help them really appreciate how great they really are, when they can compare them to my laid-back, slovenly ways! And women gain more confidence in my presence, as they realize they're not the only ones who don't fold their laundry often enough, or sweep, or organize disorganized closets, or do the dishes or weed the yard. Okay, I'm revealing too much, but on a positive note, Tyler and Madeline have both bathed this weekend (especially after playing at the FILTHY McDonald's playland for two hours). Madeline played "Yankee Doodle" on the Big-esque (think Tom Hanks movie) piano at the Golden arches thanks to my insistence on her practicing the piano. I learned that Ronald McDonald and the Joker are brothers, a valuable piece of information passed on from Mitchell to Tyler and then to all of the customers at the above named fast food joint (I think all that creative, imagination is inherited from me). We've read 5 chapters in The Boxcar Children at bedtime, so I can't be too horrible! It just goes to show how loneliness affects people differently, or maybe I just need Pete more than he needs me!
Funny Tyler story. Thursday I took Tyler to the library. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I was reminding Tyler that we need to be quiet in the library, speak with a whisper, that sort of thing. If you know my little guy, you know he talks non-stop in a rather loud manner, all day long. A reminder was a necessity. After my 2nd reminder, Tyler yells at me "Mom, I always talk with a quiet voice." Enough said.
Today, after my lazy weekend, I took my daughter and niece to see a show at Hale Center Theatre in Orem. The show was Over the River and Through the Woods and it was a funny, surprisingly moving show. I have a lot of fun memories hanging out in that theatre (never acting in a production, mind you) during high school and college. When Pete and I were first engaged, he did a show with our friends, Will, Amy and Kolby entitled The Nerd. Will is now a Tony nominated actor starring in Hair on Broadway. I could say, who wudda thunk, but I always figured Will would make it big one day! Pete hasn't had much opportunity to act in community theatre, but I think he should. As a matter of fact, I've decided that one of these days, I'm going to tackle my fear of acting and take a class somewhere. It's something I've always wanted to do, but been too petrified and self-conscious to pursue. Why not? If I can ride my bike for 111 miles, I think I could take an acting class. I know, I know . . . it doesn't mean I'd be any good, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be good at all, but it would be good for me and fun! I'll have to see what I can find . . . maybe I'll take a refresher tap course, voice lessons, and an acting class this fall and audition for 42nd Street in the Spring . . . I can always dream, right?
Well, one more night of tossing and turning, then Pete will be home. Craziness will ensue, and hopefully, I'll read a little less, and get a little more done!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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July 4th
Maddy and Me
The Boys on the 4th of July
Spencer and Jake
I love reading your posts. You are such a great writer! I think it is great of people to blog about what they perceive as their shortcomings. Yes, it does make me feel somewhat better to hear that you don't always have your laundry done and don't weed often enough. You should see my lovely hanging basket outside of my door, it used to be pretty untill I stopped watering it! And there are plenty of weeds to go around. It all makes me feel a little less inferior, especially after reading your new home and decorating blog, your post about the 111 mile bike ride, etc.. Don't sell yourself short. I think spouses complement eachother and I'm sure if Pete were to do a post he could point out all the ways you make him better!
My husband cooks and cleans better and faster than me. Like Pete, he is very productive. I started to feel bad till one day he told me, "I didn't marry you cause I needed a maid!" That made me feel great!
But I'm like you... If wade is coming home, I tidy up and make a nice meal. But if he's working late, we always eat cereal!!
I can't tell you how much I related to your post! I'm a different girl (for the better) when my husband is around. But maybe that's just because I like HIM so much. Still, I've always been glad he likes me because I'm pretty sure he doesn't need me.
For the record though, Pete is lucky to have you. You facilitate his fun and made him some truly adorable children. And you're a kick to be around.
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