Since I posted the very unattractive photos of my sleep test, I thought I'd share the results. No, I do not have sleep apnea, but it is feared that I have "restless leg syndrome". My conversation with my doctor went something like this:
Doctor: I have your sleep results and you don't appear to have sleep apnea.
Me: That's good, so does that mean I'm fine.
Doctor: Well, actually, you sleep terribly. The test results show that less than 18% of your sleep is in deep sleep, and you toss and turn most of the night.
Me: Yes, I know that. Any reasons for my poor sleep?
Doctor: The results all indicate that you have "restless leg syndrome." Do you feel like that could be a possibility?
Me: Yep, probably! Blah, blah, blah!
So I have to go in for more blood tests and another doctor appointment! I looked up restless leg syndrome and it kind of seems like one of those diagnosis they give to crazy people so that they don't have to tell them they're crazy! Granted, I do have restless legs that cause me to toss and turn most of the night, but I'm tired of doctor's offices. In the past couple of months I've seen an OB-Gyn doc for a consult on a hysterectomy, a cervical polyp, and funky ovaries; a breast specialist because my grandmother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and I think they were trying to console me, and two sleep studies. Now I'm headed back to the original doc! I think I'd rather get a babysitter to go get a pedicure, rather than to see another doc! Oh well . . . it's better to be safe than sorry!
Monday, October 13, 2008
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I am laughing so hard I don't think I can type...I hope you know I'm not laughing at you, just your current situationssss...good luck with everything, especiall that restless leg syndrome!!
Hey! Most of my family has restless leg syndrome. They just started my dad on some meds for it but the side effects were so bad, he decided he'd rather deal with RLS. Welcome to the club!
I hope I'm not coming across as dissing on restless leg syndrome, and don't worry, you can laugh all you want, it is funny! I know it's a real thing, but I really do not want to take medication for it. So thanks for the feedback on the meds, and Steph, please keep on laughing, I am!
I didn't mean to come across as harsh! I love your light-heartedness in the way you makes me smile!
If you could get a good night's sleep you would feel so much better, I think it would be worth taking the meds. Sleep is important!!
Steph, no worries! I didn't think you came across as harsh at all! Andrea, good point about meds, except I've heard that the side effects are sometimes not worth it for these particular drugs. I will talk to my doc next week. I'm thinking I'll just drink less caffeine and see if there are lifestyle changes I can make that will prevent me from needing meds. If I still can't sleep, like the last two nights, I may try some and see how it goes. Thanks to all of my friends and family for your concern! I appreciate it--I'll be just great!
I used to have something similar to restless legs. It was the weirdest thing until I saw a commercial about it one night and was like, "Dang! That sounds just like me!" I only had it for a couple of months, or maybe it was more like a year, but it went away and I haven't had any problems since. Cutting the caffeine out will probably make a difference, but then how does one make it through a day??? :)
Hope all goes well and you get some real sleep soon!
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