Peter and I just spent an amazing, relaxing 5 days in Cancun with some of our friends from the ward. We had such a great time. We stayed at a Blue Bay all inclusive resort, which meant that we ate way too much, but it was heaven not having to worry about cooking or finding meals. We spent our days sunning and reading on the beach. Pete had a conference that he attended the first two days of the trip, so I hung out on the beach with my friends. We did yoga on the beach in the morning and that was about it as far as plans were concerned. Pete and I got couples massages at the spa after dinner--it was heaven. The next day, I got a manicure and then caught up on sleep and reading. In the afternoon, we worked out at the gym and hung out in the spa saunas. We attempted to play tennis, but my tennis elbow is still giving me grief, so that didn't go over so well. We spent Valentine's day on excursions to Coba and Tulum to see the Mayan ruins. I loved riding rickety, old bikes through the jungle and stopping to climb the tallest temple in the area. Half way down, we saw a black iguana sunning on the rocks. On the drive out, we got pictures of the crocodiles living in the lagoon. Tulum was an incredibly beautiful ruin, built on the cliffs overlooking the turquoise ocean. We spent about an hour in Playa Del Carmen shopping for the kids, where we spied wild boars behind the shopping center, rooting in garbage. Such a different world. I am always struck by the local houses, so humble, with thatched roofs and small, wooden shacks. I feel a bit guilty living the high life when down the road, poverty is so rampant. As a former sociology teacher, its very interesting to me to think about what life is like for other cultures and how they must think of Americans. I'll save that for another post.
We spent Valentine's evening dining at the French restaurant, dressed up in our finery. Pete was very thoughtful, as always, and had planned to give me little gifts each day of the trip for Valentine's. Have I mentioned that I act like the man in our relationship--the one who forgets anniversaries and all the thoughtful actions? I hate to admit it, but its true. Anyhow, it was fun night, that we spent talking about how each of us had met our spouses. Great stories.
Monday, we did yoga in the rain, and then spent the day lounging in the sun. We took canoes out on the ocean and sailed on a hobbecat. In the evening, we dined at the Italian restaurant, and ate far too much . . . again, but the conversation was great. That evening, we watched a circus show that was very entertaining, sort of Cirque de Soleil on a small scale. Tuesday, Pete snorkeled off the back of the hobbecat, and I tried to go parasailing, but the winds were too strong, so instead, I got to relax before our afternoon flight home.
We were grateful to Erin and Jared for watching our kids while we were gone. Couldn't have done the trip without their willingness to help us out. We were happy to come home to the kids and get back into the swing of things, although I'll admit to missing the solitude and ease of our vacation life!