I've had a really strange day, some really great things have been part of my day, but it's also been a hard day emotionally. I am really grateful for friends and being able to connect through blogging, talking, emailing, all those great avenues of communication available to us. I thought it might be helpful to list all the great things that happened today to help remind myself how blessed I really am, even when I've had a hard day, so here goes!
1. I finally went grocery shopping so we have choices to eat! That's always a good thing for two reasons. Everyone is happier with the eating selection, and I don't have to hear all the complaints about how we never have anything good to eat.
2. I got to see and hear my cute Jake dressed as Andrew Jackson, deliver a very well prepared and LONG speech.
3. A very kind friend watched Tyler and then the rest of my kids after school so that I could do volunteer work at the school. It's so nice to have friends who help us in moments of need. It was especially nice just to chat for a few minutes and vent some of the hard things I've dealt with today.
4. I am now a Great Aunt. Jared and Erin had a baby boy, Sawyer, a little after midnight last night. It was nice to hear from a very excited Grandma Debbie.
5. I had Cafe Rio soup for dinner.
6. I had a very fun hour in Jake's class teaching music and movement for the 5th grade "Opera". It's called "America's Tallest Tales" and I've had a great time singing and dancing with the kids.
7. After laying lots of ground work, I will get to help Mitchell and Madeline's classes do a "Meet the Masters" art project next week. Once again, this is made possible by another cute friend who is willing to help with Tyler so I can teach about Monet in my other children's classes. This is my contribution to my kids classes--I'm not PTA President, I don't get to help on a weekly basis in my kids classes, but 3 times a year, I get to help teach about master artists which I really love.
8. There was a cute note left on my door that said, "Sorry I missed you. Consider this a big hug." How do people know when you just need a little something to help you through the day? I'm really grateful for little kindnesses that help me recognize my blessings.
9. I received two comments on my blog from two friends that were so well timed! When you need someone to talk to, it's nice to know you have friends who care. I also received an email from another great friend whose coming all the way from Michigan to visit.
10. This is my last night alone--Pete comes home tomorrow morning and I'm so happy he'll be home. I know he's had a fantastic, out of this world time, but I sure like when he's around. I'm really grateful for a cell phone when you've had a bad day and you can call your husband all the way in Canada to get a little encouragement!
I realize I have much to be thankful for--I'm even grateful for tears sometimes! I think it's nice to feel deeply, even if it's sadness. Then, when you feel extreme happiness, it's much more recognizable.
I liked ending on 10 things, but I really ought to add a kindness from yesterday evening. One of the things I enjoy most is being part of a book club. I am a ridiculously nerdy gal when it comes to my love of literature, fine and otherwise. Books make me very happy. With Pete being gone, getting to bookclub was not going to be an easy ordeal. My brother and sister-in-law offered to watch my kids so I could go. My brother came after work and picked up the kids so I'd only have to drive out to get them one way. I stayed much too long, and I didn't feel any sense of hostility about it from Don or Jodi. It's a blessing to have family so near to help me out! I'm just sorry I stayed so late--I'm still feeling bad about that!
And since I've gone to yesterday . . . did I mention the fabulous sales at the Park City Outlet Stores? Yesterday morning, my mother-in-law and I took a quick trip to Gymboree and Children's Place to buy a baby gift for my niece, Eva. It happened to be a great day to shop, both stores had racks of clothes, very cute clothes, all $4.99 and under. See how that works? I acknowledge a few blessings and more and more make themselves manifest. I guess it hasn't been such a hard day after all!