I'll make it brief, but here's what's happening at our house:
*Jake turned 11 years old yesterday and celebrated by attending the Utah vs. BYU basketball game. Happy Birthday Jake!
*Mitch played his last season basketball game, coached by his dad.
*Madeline has cut down from 4 hrs. to 2 hrs. of dance a week and is going to play her first season of soccer this spring.
*Tyler is officially potty-trained! Even dry through the night, plus he's taking a "big boy" class at the Little Gym, meaning I'm no longer in class with him.
*Pete returned from a guys weekend in Vegas with his resident buddies from the U of Michigan.
*I have made a mess of the house trying to organize it!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
A new baby in the family!

I wanted to post the darling pictures of my newest niece, Eva Chantel, born last Wednesday to my sister Chantel and her husband Charlie. They already have one darling little girl, Soraya, and now a second daughter. I hope they don't mind me posting the pics because they're adorable.
I'm posting this picture of myself after Tyler's birth. I always liked it because I thought I looked a little bit like my sister Chantel. Now you can see why I'd want to look like Chantel, she's a beauty!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Christmas Photos!
Happy Holidays from the Fisher's! We had a wonderful Christmas spent with many of the people we love most! We send best wishes to all of our friends and family who live far away! We love you and miss you all, but hope you're all happy and well. Happy New Year 2009!
Chantel and Charlie, due with a baby girl Jan. 10th!
Matt and Heather
Pete and Jake
Brielle and Soraya

Brielle figured out where all the good food came from!
Tyler, Don and Jodi
Mom and Dad passing out the Christmas bounty!

These are the photos from Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas morning with Pete's parents. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera when we went to Pete's sister's home on Christmas day.
Tyler and Grandpa Fountaine

Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa Fisher. Thankfully, Pete taped the event, since I wasn't very diligent with the camera.

These are the photos from Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas morning with Pete's parents. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera when we went to Pete's sister's home on Christmas day.
Christmas morning with Grandma and Grandpa Fisher. Thankfully, Pete taped the event, since I wasn't very diligent with the camera.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2009!
Is it possible that it's New Year's day and I still haven't written about our Christmas? Our winter break has flown by with many family parties, ski days with dad, movies and lots of relaxation.
Our movie list:
Bedtimes Stories: Great for the whole family.
Marley and Me: A little slow for young kids, but a cute show.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: I really like it, Pete thought it was good, although I'm not sure Brad Pitt should win an Oscar (Pete would say absolutely not), but a unique, well made movie.
Yes Man: Funny, definitely not for kids; the humor was on the crude side.
Our party list:
At our house, we celebrated Mitchell's baptism, a women's brunch, Pete's work party (small, just partners and PA's), Christmas Eve with my family.
Elsewhere, we celebrated Pete's Peterson cousin party, Christmas day at Debbie's, although we missed the Fisher party since Pete was on call, and another birthday party at Tiburon with the Shumway's, Brown's and Harmen's for Steve.
New Year's Eve we spent a great night at Litza's Pizza with our friend's the Harmen's, and later hung out at their home with all of our kids. The Brown's met us there too. That made 10 little children who all stayed up past midnight, playing Wii and watching movies, while the adults talked and laughed. After 3 years (almost) in Salt Lake, I feel like we're beginning to make the kind of friends we miss so much in Michigan! It was a great way to start the New Year--with friends and family.
We also had a great Christmas at our house! The kids did well in the gift department. Santa surprised me with a new, orderly purse (thanks Mitch for the request) and a new road bike. So to all my biking friends (Heather, Kim, Steph, Wendy and Amy), I'm in for the SL marathon ride and the Little Red Riding Hood ride in Logan, and any others we can do. We put the bike in front of the TV in my room and I have one of those cool stands so I can ride in place. I am determined to get in good shape, maybe even do a mini triathalon this summer!
One of the things I have loved most about this holiday season, is the amazing, beautiful snow storms. Starting Christmas night, we got pounded with snow, and for many days afterwards. I love it! It is a pain to plow the driveway and walks, and driving can be scary, but I love how it transforms the gray, deadness into a wonderland. Can't say enough good about the white stuff!
I've decided there's only one thing I don't like about Christmas--the clean up. Here it is New Year's and I still feel like I'm trying to get organized and clean up all of the Christmas decorations and kids new stuff. Tyler likes his toys in the middle of the floor between the kitchen and family room, so even after I round things up and put them away, I keep stepping on matchbox cars and a huge dinosaur puzzle. We had a real tree in our living room, one Pete and I have both lamented has been the worst tree we've picked our entire marriage. Taking the ornaments off was painful since the tree had become so dried out and brittle. I'm just glad we avoided a fire. Anyhow, I sweep and sweep, and mop, then I find more pine needs, so I repeat the process over and over again. Don't get me wrong, it's worth it, but it's my least favorite part of the holidays. Plus, I love my house decorated for Christmas and it makes me a little sad to take down all the decorations! I think this year I'll keep some of the sparkling red candles and things for Valentine's Day!
I hope the season has brought great happiness to each of you! I am looking forward to a fantastic 2009! Peace out!
P.S. My sister Chantel is due with a baby girl any day now! I hope she has her before we leave for California!
P.S.S. I still haven't downloaded my pictures from Christmas that actually have people in them . . . oops, I forget to take pictures when I have people around, but those will come soon. These are pictures before Pete's work party of the table setting, etc.
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