I realized, in looking back at my last few posts, that I failed to mention Pete's big day--he finally caught up to me after 8 agonizing days of being the "older woman". Of course, this happens every year, and this year he was extremely gracious about my age, in the past, he has jokingly thrown in a few "old hag" comments (I know, we have a weird sense of humor). Since our birthdays are so close, we often plan a joint gift, sometimes an overnighter or a nice dinner. This year, Pete arranged for us to stay up at Sundance Resort, a place we both really love. Our last year at BYU, Pete worked at the Sundance Ski Shop, and we, especially Pete, got in a lot of skiing. That's also when we decided that the Sundance Grill Room is our favorite restaurant. But for the special occasion of Pete's birthday, we made reservations at the Tree Room. Don't get me wrong, we enjoyed our dinner, but it confirmed why we like the Grill Room better. You pay an awful lot of money for very small portions with great "presentation." I prefer the more laid back, rustic elegance of the Grill Room. Another notable observation about Sundance, is that our room/cabin looked like it was designed by the same architect that designed Pete's family cabin. It was uncanny how similar the style was, down to rough pine planks on the cabinets with ceramic white handles. *Note to self, ask my mother-in-law if this was coincidence or the same architect.
Anyhow, we had a great time, very relaxing. We didn't get to spend a lot of time, since I had to give a talk in Sacrament meeting the next day, but it was great to spend time alone with Pete. We really appreciated Shari and Brian taking our little monsters over night, so that we could enjoy our little retreat!
Pete also took a "boy's weekend" in Seattle last week with my dad, brother, and brother-in-law, where they played lots of golf, ate lots of "guy food", which I'm assuming is wings and ribs, and watched lots of football. They attended a high school football game, a UW football game (apparently the tickets were the same price as the high school game, since the team's had such a bad year), and a Seattle Sea-Hawks game. I got the impression much of their free time was spent at sports bars watching more games and eating that manly food. Sounds like a great weekend for Pete . . . I'm glad he gets along so well with my family. So, Happy 36th Birthday to Peter!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Coldplay Concert
Okay, so since we lived in Michigan and were given a copy of Coldplay's "A Rush of Blood to the Head", they have become my favorite band. I love them, not in crazy fan sort of way, just a "the music speaks to my soul" way. So I was pysched this summer to find out they were coming to concert in Salt Lake City. I think I bought my tickets in August for a November concert and then gave them to Pete for his birthday (a bit of a selfish gift, since it mostly benefits me, but we won't go there!) Anyhow, the concert was last night and we attended with two of our favorite people, Jeremy and Talli. Jeremy was Pete's mission companion in Japan. After we were married, we attended the University of Utah (dang, they beat the Cougars) together and then ended up at the University of Michigan for several years. We love hanging out with them, because it doesn't matter how much time has passed since we last saw them, it's like we just start from were we left off, laugh and have a great time! Anyhow, when we first walked into the Energy Solutions Arena (stupid name), I'll admit disappointment at how high are seats were for the ridiculous sum we paid for tickets. Then we waited for a long time for the performance to start, but I'm happy to report, it was worth it. I think it was the best concert I've ever been too. Not only was it great to recognize all the music, but they put on a great show, with huge television screens and rotating spheres that projected live videos with special effects. For example, they're being recorded on stage, but the film is in black and white or with funky colors splashed on screen. I loved that, but my favorite part was when they ran through the crowd to a section of the auditorium not far from where we sat and performed two numbers--right there in the audience with us, we commoners! It was such a great concert!
Now for a brief comment on the Utah vs. BYU football game yesterday. Dang it! Utah won, by a lot! I'll admit, I use to be a Utah fan as a kid, before I randomly ended up at BYU (another story for another day). But, as a student of BYU, I have to support the Cougs and I was really hoping they'd make it a game, if only to avoid the harassment from the rabid Utah fans! That may seem a bit harsh, but unfortunately, there are some crazy Utah fans that give the lot a bad reputation.
Final thoughts! Talli and I discussed the controversy over Prop. 8 in California and it was a really interesting conversation. It's been very disconcerting to see protest rallies around the L.A. temple and the anger invoked by Prop.8 being passed. In a deviation from the Church in the past, where we were encouraged to vote, but not told how to do so, the Church really encouraged the members to get out and actively educate the people of California about the issues. Talli and I talked about how difficult it is to take a stand on these issues, knowing how important family is to the Church, but also knowing how differently our society feels about these matters. Prop. 8 passed because a majority of the people voted for it to pass, yet the Mormon's have become the scapegoats because they took a stand and actively got involved. We talked about the backlash and how it's scary to see how much hate people have for Mormon's, yet standing up for what you believe shows our faith and obedience. Anyway, it made for a really interesting conversation.
Now for a brief comment on the Utah vs. BYU football game yesterday. Dang it! Utah won, by a lot! I'll admit, I use to be a Utah fan as a kid, before I randomly ended up at BYU (another story for another day). But, as a student of BYU, I have to support the Cougs and I was really hoping they'd make it a game, if only to avoid the harassment from the rabid Utah fans! That may seem a bit harsh, but unfortunately, there are some crazy Utah fans that give the lot a bad reputation.
Final thoughts! Talli and I discussed the controversy over Prop. 8 in California and it was a really interesting conversation. It's been very disconcerting to see protest rallies around the L.A. temple and the anger invoked by Prop.8 being passed. In a deviation from the Church in the past, where we were encouraged to vote, but not told how to do so, the Church really encouraged the members to get out and actively educate the people of California about the issues. Talli and I talked about how difficult it is to take a stand on these issues, knowing how important family is to the Church, but also knowing how differently our society feels about these matters. Prop. 8 passed because a majority of the people voted for it to pass, yet the Mormon's have become the scapegoats because they took a stand and actively got involved. We talked about the backlash and how it's scary to see how much hate people have for Mormon's, yet standing up for what you believe shows our faith and obedience. Anyway, it made for a really interesting conversation.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Follow up to Braces Post
So . . . I don't know yet if we won the contest for free braces! I hope we do. After getting a quote for what it would cost me to get braces, I won't be getting them unless it's free or I can save for the next five years. If I forgo the braces, for the same price, I could buy a new couch, an entire new wardrobe, refinish my deck that's about to fall off my house, or any number of other great things! Now, the thing is, I'm a bit vain about teeth. I've never had braces and always had fairly straight teeth, but my bottom teeth are a bit crowded and I have a small gap between my front teeth that often resembles a small raspberry seed stuck between the teeth. The question is . . . what's more important? My vanity or developing a sense of practicality? I may still opt to be vain in the long run, but for now, I think I'll save the cash, and cross my fingers and hope to win the contest. I suppose for now, I'll have to appease my vain side with a pedicure/manicure! Just yesterday, I chose a great red, and had them paint the cutest Christmas wreaths on my big toes . . . very satisfying and much cheaper than braces!
P.S. I finished a really fun book . . . "The Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale. The author was born and raised in Utah (U of U grad) and weaves a great tale based on the Brothers Grimm The Goose Girl (not a fairy tale I was familiar with). I thoroughly enjoyed it, as evidenced by my messy house, since I've done little else but read for the last 24 hours in an attempt to finish it for my book club tonight.
P.S. I finished a really fun book . . . "The Goose Girl" by Shannon Hale. The author was born and raised in Utah (U of U grad) and weaves a great tale based on the Brothers Grimm The Goose Girl (not a fairy tale I was familiar with). I thoroughly enjoyed it, as evidenced by my messy house, since I've done little else but read for the last 24 hours in an attempt to finish it for my book club tonight.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Orthodontist Consult
So . . . today I'm pulling my two boys out early from school for a first orthodontic consult! The three of us will find out if we need braces and at the same time, guess on the weight of a giant pumpkin for the chance to win free braces. Mitch is probably a bit young for a consult, but I figured someone in our family is due to need braces and it would be great to not have to pay for them! Three guesses has to give us better odds than two, right? Wish me luck!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I've tagged myself!
I'm sure there are those of you out there who hate doing these types of things! Me, I kind of like to fill them out periodically! Before I ditched facebook I took all sorts of interesting quizzes and found out some pretty interesting things about myself. I know all the old 80's movies, especially Say Anything, I would have been Marilyn Monroe in a past life, and if I had another name, it should be Amanda! I also took an I.Q. test and found out I'm pretty smart--all useful info, right? So here's more random info. about me! I found this one on my friend Jami's page and she said tag to anyone Michelle missed, so here goes!
4 Random things about my husband: He, like Kolby, can quote lines from random movies, some he hasn't even seen other than the preview; he sings, plays guitar and the piano; he has an amazing memory; and he totally zones out when he's watching television . . . can't hear a word I say (or so he says!)
4 movies I could watch more than once: When Harry Met Sally, Once, She's Having a Baby, Fool's Rush In (totally stupid, but it reminded me of warmth when I was living in freezing cold Michigan)
4 TV shows I watch: Desperate Housewives, Extreme Home Makeover, Re-runs of Friends and Cosby Show
4 Places I have been: Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil and Germany
4 Places I would like to visit: France, Switzerland, England, Denmark
4 things I am looking forward to this year: NYC with Madeline, Newport Beach, skiing, Christmas
People I tag: Anyone who likes filling out dumb questionaires like I do!
4 Random things about my husband: He, like Kolby, can quote lines from random movies, some he hasn't even seen other than the preview; he sings, plays guitar and the piano; he has an amazing memory; and he totally zones out when he's watching television . . . can't hear a word I say (or so he says!)
4 movies I could watch more than once: When Harry Met Sally, Once, She's Having a Baby, Fool's Rush In (totally stupid, but it reminded me of warmth when I was living in freezing cold Michigan)
4 TV shows I watch: Desperate Housewives, Extreme Home Makeover, Re-runs of Friends and Cosby Show
4 Places I have been: Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil and Germany
4 Places I would like to visit: France, Switzerland, England, Denmark
4 things I am looking forward to this year: NYC with Madeline, Newport Beach, skiing, Christmas
People I tag: Anyone who likes filling out dumb questionaires like I do!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I've been tagged!
Thanks for the tag Heather!
Question and Answer Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others. Here are the questions:
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Where is your significant other? home
3. Your hair color? highlighted
4. Your mother? optimist
5. Your father? honest
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? write
9. The room you’re in? lively
10. Your hobby? decorating
11. Your fear? accidents
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Holladay
13. Where were you last night? play
14. What you’re not? mean
15. One of your wish-list items? thin
16. Where you grew up? Utah
17. The last thing you did? read
18. What are you wearing? nightgown
19. Your TV? cartoons
20. Your pet? none
21. Your computer? distracting
22. Your mood? excellent
23. Missing someone? sister
24. Your car? Armada
25. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? awesome
28. Love someone? family
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Thursday
Now I have to tag 7 people and they are Kim, Steph, Barb, Heather McVey, Dani, Jodi and Janie.
Question and Answer Here are the rules: I have to answer the following questions with one word answers and one word only! Then I must pass it on to seven others. Here are the questions:
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Where is your significant other? home
3. Your hair color? highlighted
4. Your mother? optimist
5. Your father? honest
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your dream/goal? write
9. The room you’re in? lively
10. Your hobby? decorating
11. Your fear? accidents
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Holladay
13. Where were you last night? play
14. What you’re not? mean
15. One of your wish-list items? thin
16. Where you grew up? Utah
17. The last thing you did? read
18. What are you wearing? nightgown
19. Your TV? cartoons
20. Your pet? none
21. Your computer? distracting
22. Your mood? excellent
23. Missing someone? sister
24. Your car? Armada
25. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
26. Favorite store? Target
27. Your summer? awesome
28. Love someone? family
29. Your favorite color? red
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? Thursday
Now I have to tag 7 people and they are Kim, Steph, Barb, Heather McVey, Dani, Jodi and Janie.
Birthday Photos of Mitch
Mitch had a great birthday celebration at Bounce U, so I thought I'd post some photos. There were lots of sweating, loud, energetic 2nd grade boys running around having a great time! Happy Birthday to Mitch! Next up, Peter's big day on Sunday!

P.S. We saw a very entertaining, funny show at Pioneer Memorial Theatre last night--Noises Off. If you get the chance to go, it's worth it! A bit of language and an adult theme, so don't take the kids, but very fun!
P.S. We saw a very entertaining, funny show at Pioneer Memorial Theatre last night--Noises Off. If you get the chance to go, it's worth it! A bit of language and an adult theme, so don't take the kids, but very fun!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Closer to 40 than 30 and the Age of Accountability!
So I am officially a year older as of Saturday! Although I refused to accept being 36 until 10:21pm on the first, my official birth time! Pete treated me to a spectacular birthday surprise--verging on extravagant, okay . . . totally over the top, but it was very fun. When I woke I was presented with tickets to the Ballet West Gala performance and a shopping trip to buy an outfit for the event. Pete's birthday is next Sunday, so he got a new suit as well. I also got plane tickets for a girl's trip to NYC with my daughter Madeline, and an over-nighter next weekend with Pete at Sundance. Granted, these gifts are combined gifts--for both Pete and I, but still, I think he over did this year!
Before all the excitement began, we attended Jake's playoff football game against Bingham who beat us 24 to zip! The first half was well played, we just couldn't score. The second half, they trounced us! Jake had some great tackles the first half that made it all worth it though.
After the game, we took the family to see High School Musical-Senior Year, which I loved, cheesiness and all, and stopped for frozen yogurt. That evening, we attended the ballet and ate dinner at Benihana's Japanese steakhouse. I've never eaten there, but always wanted to because it was my friend Suzanne's favorite place in high school. Fun to finally go after all these years!
Sunday we had a nice relaxing day at home. I, along with the rest of the Primary presidency, were released on Sunday. It's been such a great calling, I was a bit sad, but I have started feeling like I've lost my touch, so it's probably a good thing.
Monday was Mitch's birthday--a big year since he's old enough to be baptized. We had a nice family dinner and tonight is his big party at a "bounce center". Should be fun!
Anyhow, we had an incredible snow storm today--I loved waking up to 2 inches of snow, and it's continued to snow all day. It's beautiful outside! Sorry to those of you who hate snow, but I really do love it! I'll admit though, that I hope it melts in a few days. Happy snow day!
Before all the excitement began, we attended Jake's playoff football game against Bingham who beat us 24 to zip! The first half was well played, we just couldn't score. The second half, they trounced us! Jake had some great tackles the first half that made it all worth it though.
After the game, we took the family to see High School Musical-Senior Year, which I loved, cheesiness and all, and stopped for frozen yogurt. That evening, we attended the ballet and ate dinner at Benihana's Japanese steakhouse. I've never eaten there, but always wanted to because it was my friend Suzanne's favorite place in high school. Fun to finally go after all these years!
Sunday we had a nice relaxing day at home. I, along with the rest of the Primary presidency, were released on Sunday. It's been such a great calling, I was a bit sad, but I have started feeling like I've lost my touch, so it's probably a good thing.
Monday was Mitch's birthday--a big year since he's old enough to be baptized. We had a nice family dinner and tonight is his big party at a "bounce center". Should be fun!
Anyhow, we had an incredible snow storm today--I loved waking up to 2 inches of snow, and it's continued to snow all day. It's beautiful outside! Sorry to those of you who hate snow, but I really do love it! I'll admit though, that I hope it melts in a few days. Happy snow day!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Part II
We have really had a busy, but fabulous last couple of days around the Fisher household. In my last post, I alluded to the end of my week--Halloween Parade, Halloween, etc. The following are the all the details!
Thursday the kids had school parade at 9:15am. Since our school does a Storybook Parade and the children are encouraged to bring the book their costume is based upon, we did a late night run to Barnes and Nobles to get books for Thursday. Jake decided to be Bobby Pendragon, although Thursday he changed his mind and was Steve Nash from some basketball team in Arizona. Mitch had decided early on to be the werewolf from one of the Goosebumps series books. Madeline had picked a cute, sparkly army girl costume, so we decided she looked most like Hannah Montana and went with that idea (kind of defeats the idea of using books as inspiration when you do it backwards, but hey! I tried!) In the audience, I had Bumblebee the Transformer. It was an early day out for the kids so we headed to Gardner Village to see the witches display and buy a birthday gift for a friend of Madeline's. Pete took Jake and Mitch to the Haunted Village haunted woods that evening, while I hung out with Tyler and shopped, and Madeline went to a "Ghoul-friends" spa party.
Friday morning we headed to the Hogle Zoo. We hadn't been there for awhile and the kids had a great time. They've made some nice improvements at the zoo and it was a beautiful warm fall day here in Salt Lake. I have to admit, I really miss living in that part of the city. Maybe someday . . .
Jake had football practice at 1pm, so we headed home, the kids to play, me to cook. I made Vermont Cheddar Cheese soup, homemade apple pie with apples from my backyard tree and mummy dogs for the party at our neighbors house. I think I stood in my kitchen from 2pm to 6:15pm cooking, but it's fun to do that sometimes (not all the time mind you.)
Our neighborhood party was very fun. We ate out on our friends front patio, then trick-or-treated, returning to our friend's home to dance and visit. I hope it turns into a neighborhood tradition because it was great seeing so many neighbors and friends. Our street doesn't get many trick-or-treaters, so we enjoyed being in the midst of all the action. Some classic Tyler stories. We got to his church teacher's home and he was very tired, so when a Kit Kat was dropped into his wet, dragged on the ground pillowcase, Tyler asked "What was that red thing you put in my bag?" Pete dug out the candy bar, to which Tyler said that he didn't want it. When asked if he wanted another treat, he looked in the basket and said "No thanks, I don't want nothing." At the next house, he did the same thing. Since when do kids refuse free candy? We figured it was time to strap him in the stroller to give him a break. A bit later, he was running to a door, and Mitch beat him to it, so he sat down on the door step and started to cry. It happened to be another family who knew him, so they appeased him with a sucker, but that's when he was relegated to the stroller for the rest of the evening.
I hope you all had an enjoyable Halloween as we did!
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