I've noticed after viewing many of my cute friends' blogs that there is an absence of photos of myself on my blog page. This is no mistake. I really enjoy seeing great pictures of my friends, and I love posting photos of my husband and adorable children. I don't enjoy seeing myself in photos. I will remind you all that I use to be a pretty cute girl, no beauty, but cute, and I had a decent figure. Having four kids has not been kind to my shape, although I sporadically try to exercise and eat healthy, I haven't had the best of luck at regaining my figure. Anyhow, this has been a sore spot for me, but it reminds me of a funny story of moving back here, so here goes . . .
I had taken my 4 children plus my niece and nephew to Alta Canyon to swim. I was my typical sun-bathing self, no make-up, hair in a pony tail, looking my all natural self. That's when I spotted this stunning beauty of a Barbie Doll type girl across the pool, carrying a baby and with a darling blond girl trailing behind. I thought to myself, "I am just never going to be like that or look like that, and I really don't have any friends like that." Well, this polka-dot clad, high-heel wearing lady, kept walking my way, with a smile on her face, although it took her being right next to me before I recognized her as wife of the guy who happened to be my first kiss. Yes, my first, albeit weird, wish I could forget about it, kiss. She was very nice, not the stereo-typical personality of her look at all. We had a nice, brief conversation, where I forgot to think about my less than fabulous appearance.
So it was on the way out of the pool that I was reminded once again, how time has not been nice to me. I was waiting for one of the kids to use the bathroom, so I was standing in the pool entrance, and I kept glimpsing a man staring at me from the couch. For a moment, I was flattered, until I realized that he looked familiar to me too. So we were kind of staring each other down, without trying to be too obvious about it, when he said, "Are you Nicole Fountaine?", and I said, "so you are ____________" (I will leave it blank, to protect his identity). Then he proceeds to tell me how I look so different, he would never have recognized me! Yeah, so much for being flattered. (I know the "different" is not positive, because I happen to know this individual had a crush on me at one point in high school). Anyhow, we had a nice conversation, where once again, I had to get over myself.
I mention these stories, because when I don't see myself on camera and I actually have the opportunity to talk to people, I really enjoy catching up with old friends. I can almost start to picture myself in a kind-of Amanda Bynes meets Christy Brinkley type look. But, because it has been so fun to see friends on their blog pages, I've decided I need to "get over myself" again, and give myself some more face time on the blog. I hope some of you recognize me!